Quills is the new name for the League of Utah Writers fall conference and awards banquet. We renamed it because we’re changing it. We’re looking to make it an regional event not just local. To this end we’ve invited many guests the Utah crowd has never heard before. New voices and perspectives, opportunities galore. We have agents and editors and writers and scribblers, and the gang will all be there.
It’s limited to 300 people, so it’ll be intimate and information packed. It’s the kind of event where you can sit with your future agent, chew the fat with with New York Times best seller and play games in the bar with an editor. It’s a conference. It’s networking. It’s a party.
The League of Utah Writers Quills awards banquet is Saturday and me, yours truly, will complete my many years coup of becoming president of the League. Big night.
There will even be a Thursday prequel full of half-day workshops that you can sign up for separately.
You can sign up to pitch your work to agents and editors.
This is the big one.
Friday and Saturday, October 24th and 25th, 2018
(Prequel Thursday 23rd)
480 Wakara Way
Salt Lake City, Utah 84108
(801) 581-1000