Laura "L.G." Rollins |
Today at the Blog Mansion we welcome Laura “L.G.” Rollins author of the new book
Shadows of Angels. The Blog Mansion was snowed in that day. It was a miracle she made it at all.
Johnny: What is that four feet? Five feet of snow? My usual people haven’t been here to shove the snow.
Laura (LG): Who do you use?
J: I hired gnomes this year. They dropped off a pamphlet last summer and the price was right. But now when I need the, where’s their snow removal.
LG: Gnomes?
J: Yeah, they’re supposed to be hard working little guys. Sorry you got so wet.
LG: It was a long cold hike from the gate. My driver wouldn’t dare the drive.
J: That’s my fault. Not everyone gets out of the Blog Mansion.
L: Really?
J: Have some Christmas cookies.
L: Thanks.
J: So tell me about your new book,
Shadows of Angels.
LG: Shadows of Angles is a YA Fantasy. It's about a girl, Aerbrin, whose father is murdered. But, just before he dies, he slips into her hand a small, magical Zaad Stone. Problem is, the people who killed her father to get it know she has it, and she can't access the magic inside it to save herself.
J: So fantasy. Tell me, what’s the advantage of writing fantasy over, say, something I like better?
LG: Haha, I love fantasy because it leaves so many options open. I chose not to stick with a classic fantasy world—you know, dragons, elves, etc. And instead, I opted to create my own mysterious and strange creates. For example, the Orchal named Yinn, who eats people's minds, except for the memories, she keeps those to enjoy at a later time. Or, The One With No Name. Called that because she doesn't have a name, and is cursed so that no name sticks to her. She's quite fun to talk to.
Shadows of Angels a young adult title, but I understand it’s dark, very dark. Tell me how dark is it?
LG: Well, truth be told I never considered it very dark, but several reviewers have come back saying it's dark. So I guess that really depends on who you ask. There is a lot of pain, evil demons, and monsters. But my main characters are good, as in morally good, as in want to stand up for what's morally right. It's just the bad guys are the opposite. Does that make a book 'dark'? I guess in today's literary market, it does. The short answer: my book is not all sunshine and daisies.
J: Wait. Was that a knock on the door? I’ll be right back.
<10 minutes later>
LG: Who was it?
J: The gnomes. They finished. I had to pay them.
Gnomes - buy local |
LG: That was fast. Maybe I should use them.
J: Yeah, you could. You’re local. You live in Salt Lake. What do you think of the Utah writing scene?
LG:I really love the writing scene here. There are so many fantastic authors who are very willing to help out and share advice. There's no way I would be published right now if I hadn't joined in the tribe.
J: Tell me about your fantasy world?
LG: It's old world. No printing press, no guns. Just bows and arrows, hunting knifes, and good ol' grit.
J: That’s a good answer but I was referring to your private life. How did you choose to be a writer?

LG: Oh, that fantasy world. I've wanted to be a writer ever since I was 6 or 7. I started by writing silly little poems and small books. You know the kind, where a chapter takes up half a page (because you have to leave the other half for a picture) and then you staple seven or eight pages together and say, "hey mom! I wrote a book!"
J: Where did you learn your craft?
LG: I started by copying, word for word, my favorite authors. I still do that exercise sometimes, and I always learn something more. Then I took a community class and a few years later joined ANWA, a local writing critique group.
J: This is your first book. Tell me how it came to be, what was your journey from writer to author?

LG: Well, I pitched my story to an editor, in person, at a writers conference and that's how I got my contract with Cedar Fort. But that really was just the start. Then came the cover art, the edits, more edits, plans for marketing, last edits, and tweaks on the cover art. It was mostly a blast, sometimes stressful, but on the whole a great experience.
J: How is it to work with
Cedar Fort?

LG: I love working with
Cedar Fort. I feel they listen to me, and are behind me 100 percent. My editor, Emma, is exceptionally awesome!
J: Where on the internet can people find out more about you and your book?
Web: LGRollins.com
Barnes & Noble
J: Looks like it started to snow again. You best head out.
LG: Wait. I thought you said the gnomes did your snow.Your driveway’s untouched.
J: That’s what I said, but they showed me the obious issue.
LG: What?
J: Gnomes. They’re like ten inches tall. They can’t shovel that much.
LG: So what did you pay them for?

J: The managed a tunnel. So just get down on your belly and squirm you way to the road. It’s really the only way. The windchill would kill you in minutes. And you can’t stay here. That wouldn’t be fair to all my other guests.
LG: Why not?
J: Shhhh. Your car will be there to meet you when you come out.
LG: That’ll take hours. What if I don’t make it?
J: You’ll freeze but you’ll make a fine lawn ornament.